The Maximum Ride Fandom Archive

Welcome to the Maximum Ride fandom archive!

This site is dedicated to the fandom for James Patterson's Maximum Ride series.

I've tried to explain things as needed, but this site still assumes some familiarity with the canon. I recommend reading the Wikipedia articles for the books, or borrowing them from your local library.

Disclaimers: This site is not an authoritative guide to Maximum Ride fandom history. (It's more like a highlights reel written by one participant in the fandom.) I did not create the vast majority of the material on this site; the work I have done was to assemble it in one place for use by other fans.


Looking for something specific? Try the site map.

Just curious? Start with one of these pages:

Learn about some official material.

Look at the official sites.

Check out the various forums (official and unofficial).

See fanfiction and fanart.

Read about the Angel ARG... or see some articles I wrote about Maximum Ride.

You can also read more about the archivist... consult the FAQ... or view some mail from other readers.


Click on Max to see news about this site and the Maximum Ride series.


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Last update: 9 August 2022