From the office of the SS Hauptstuermfuehrer in Alsace Written in Alsace the 3d of May 1944, at the address 2a Fritz Reuter Street. Telephone number 5323 - 69. Private! To the Institute for Living, Scientific Staff Attn. Dr. Janssen Lendeheim SW 18 8 Prinz Albrecht Street. Re.: Your work for the Reich Comrade Janssen: Thank you very much for the materials you sent to me. The new wartime restrictions have made it very difficult for me to secure sufficient materials for my work, and it was very kind of you to think of me when you are no doubt suffering due to the same restrictions. I trust you are all faring well in Lendeheim, and that the ongoing air raids are not keeping you from your work. Mr. Todt was quite impressed with your results when I sent them to him, and he is negotiating with Mr. von Krosigk to arrange more funding for the Institute. Fritz agrees with me - your work at Lendeheim may be of great importance to the Reich. The longevity serum in particular has been met with great acclaim. Hopefully this letter will reach you without too much delay. The post has been unreliable lately, and some of my letters have been failing to reach their destinations. I know that you will forgive me this, but I still must apologize. With comradely feelings August Hirt